
[ B.O.Y.S.: Boys On Your Screen (The Message Board) ]

Written by Alexis am 03 May 2001 00:23:59:

As an answer to: No . . . uh . . . it's Noah written by Sensitive Stephen am 02 May 2001 16:57:22:

He really liked to show off his body! His are probably the most blatantly sexual photos of a boy his age I've ever seen published in mainstream teen idol publications. Or any kind of mainstream publications for that matter.

What's with those shorts he's wearing? It almost looks like they're pulled down shortly and his boxers are bulging out the top -- but they must just be some weird early '80s fashion instead, right? Right??

how old is he in these pics anyway? 15?



[ B.O.Y.S.: Boys On Your Screen (The Message Board) ]