beginnings of a list

[ B.O.Y.S.: Boys On Your Screen (The Message Board) ]

Written by Babel-17 am 21 Jan 2001 20:46:30:

As an answer to: Start making your list . . . written by Sensitive Stephen am 18 Jan 2001 00:37:48:

the boy in Star Trek Insurrection who's name I can't think of

David Gallagher in Phenomenon

Mason Gamble in Gattica

the boy in The Last Action Hero (nominally science fiction)

cute boy in Terminator II

the Feral Kid in The Road Warrior

have you announced the site officially yet? I can always post on BC for help thinking of more...

with a hug for you and sleepy-head Phred

>. . . and checking it twice!
>This is why we need specialist experts like you. All I can think of is "Elliott" from E.T. and that kid in the Robbie the Robot movie.
>Ha! Do I know how to DELEGATE or what?!?!?!
>--Sensitive Stephen
>P.S. I think I've woken Phred up. But he still has to have his coffee before he can open his eyes wide enought to actually visit here and post. :o)


[ B.O.Y.S.: Boys On Your Screen (The Message Board) ]